JEE 2008!
Something that I was waiting and for, and something I am glad is finally over!
So glad!
Well, it was good, paper-II being a lot easier than paper-I. No, I wouldn't like to discuss any more of it!
" Don't lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals. "
How true, and how so relevant to me! A friend messaged it to me, its the most motivating thing I've come across since yesterday! No jokes! Thanks Raj, your optimism is so contagious!
Anyways, its been a great day, intellectually tiring and stuff, but yes satisfying!
I don't really have much to write today, except that expressing my current passion: Cryptography!
Man! This field is amazing! I believe its not given the space it deserves, but it's really witty!
Keep watching for more on this, am sure to follow up with it..
Resources! That's the need of the hour!
But, I'll get it done!
Anyways, too sleepy to write anything more...
Bon Nuit!
0 Shouts!:
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